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Laws & Regulations

Category Title Date
Public Works Sewerage Act(下水道法) 2024-07-18
Public Works Enforcement Rules of Sewerage Act(下水道法施行細則) 2024-07-18
New Town Construction Regulations on Examination of Investment Plans for New Town Lands Sold or Leased Through Tendering(新市鎮土地標售標租投資計畫審查準則) 2022-06-17
Building and Construction Condominium Administration Act Building Administration Division(公寓大廈管理條例) 2022-05-11
Building and Construction Building Act(建築法) 2022-05-11
Public Works Fee-Charging Standards for Usage of Urban Road(市區道路使用費收費標準) 2021-09-08
Public Works Design Standards of Urban Roads and Accessory Works (市區道路及附屬工程設計標準) 2021-08-11
New Town Construction Regulations on Preferential Sale and Lease of Dwelling Houses in New Towns(新市鎮住宅優先出售出租辦法) 2021-07-01
Public Housing Housing Act(住宅法) 2021-06-09
New Town Construction Regulations on Sale and Lease of New Town Lands Through Tendering(新市鎮土地標售標租辦法) 2021-06-04
Urban Regeneration Urban Renewal Act(都市更新條例 ) 2021-05-28
Public Housing The Regulations Governing Rent and Mortgage Interest Subsidization for the Disabled(身心障礙者房屋租金及購屋貸款利息補貼辦法) 2021-05-05
Land Use Planning Statute for Expediting Reconstruction of Urban Unsafe and Old Buildings(都市危險及老舊建築物加速重建條例) 2020-05-06
Land Use Planning Spatial Planning Act(國土計畫法) 2020-04-21
Land Use Planning Urban Planning Law(都市計畫法) 2020-04-14
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